
Sunday, July 22, 2012

what's this all about?

Do you ever wonder what life is all about?

I do. And though I have a plethora of answers, big, small, important, all-encompassing, truthful, and scary, life is about worship; life is about service; life is about love; life is about knowing One, knowing others, knowing yourself. Sometimes it is the little bits that get us through the minutes, hours and days that make up our weeks, and the weeks that make up our months that turn into years.

This weekend I played Trivial Pursuit with my family (and laughed until we couldn't stop). Watched overjoyed dogs play in Lake Michigan. Saw, and hugged, my oldest friend. Felt the cool breeze on the porch. Ate fancy salad and Thai food and a corn dog. Played with a fat cat's paws. Rollerbladed and ran and walked, sweated, and complained of the heat. Bickered in the car. Celebrated Christmas in July. Embraced dear not-so-old neighbors. Drank coffee.

Life can seem complicated, and I do get afraid sometimes that it all won't work out. Fear isn't how we were meant to be, though, and then I remember, and then I feel loved by people so gracious and kind, and I know I don't deserve life, and really, no one does I suppose. And we have this gift given to us and it goes so fast, and we're all learning, all trying.

We're all in this together whether we want to be or not. It is so messy being human, isn't it? That is what we have though, being human, learning how to love--even cooperate--with other humans in a dignifying way can take a lifetime.  Do I hear Ferris Bueller in my head?

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." 

Bear with me, I'm learning how to cherish again, how to love life, so that I can share in this life with others in an even deeper way than before. If we don't really love the life we're given, how can we breathe life into others? The Giver of Life holds these keys, and I ask for the key to the next lock. 

Carefully, boldly, with confidence in someone better (perfect), I step forward, inching, creeping, crawling. Into the darkness, which leads to the light. I will not be afraid; whom shall I fear? Thank God for life, even if the breath we take is sharp and painful, pushing on our lungs; and when it is free and clear, I am blessed; flying. I am thankful for it all. 


Cheryl said...

Your post today is one that I would like to read often. Remind myself of my humanness, of my need to enjoy each moment.
Thank you for taking us along on your journey.

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