You know what else, I'm feeling weak and powerless lately, and from experience I know this is when God likes to do big things. I better get ready. He is already moving so much - what more could He do? I have been amazed time and time again with all the showing up God has been doing in my life the past several months. He is truly everywhere, and I love seeing Him in other people. As I sat by the lake the other day with my future room mates, we were reading a book aloud on community, and then tried out a little solitude (starting to practice our disciplines together!) It was quite beautiful. God was with us. I don't notice Him enough, I long for the day when I can't look away.
PS One incredible thing about living in the city is things like this:
I'm going to hear Makoto and I'm extremely excited. If you happen to live in or near Chicago, come, it's free.
I'm going to hear Makoto and I'm extremely excited. If you happen to live in or near Chicago, come, it's free.
I wish you would have taken off some time before starting your new job. :(
How was Makoto? Chicago and Makoto are WAY near the top of my dream list. I'd love to hear about it.
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